Welcome to islands base on-line
Our database consists of three type of islands
1. "IOTA" - islands 100% according to R.S.G.B. rules.
2. "N/V" - islands located at seas, but NOT VALID according to R.S.G.B. rules.
3. "IWI" - islands located at rivers and lakes, i.e. INLAND WATER ISLANDS.
73's de 161EX038 Wlodek
If you want islands log online click here
we have confirmed 3854 contacts with different islands. (click here)
If you have an info about an island that isn't in our database,
you can inform us about this
Want to cooperate with us ? Send us a note.
You will get database access and you will be able to make
updates on your own (add new, update, delete )
This is for serious cooperation, only.
If you appreciate my work, you can buy me a digital coffee. Thank you!